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Services & Rates


Single Dog Household
$20 / 15min
walk & peepoo break
  • $25 / half hr walk
  • $40 / hr walk

  • Booked weekly, Mon-Fri. Half hour and full hour walks include leash training. Weather permitting, credits applied for cancellations due to poor weather days.


Multi-dog Households
$20 / 15min
walk & peepoo break
  • $30 / half hr walk
  • $45 / hr walk

  • Booked weekly, Mon-Fri. Half hour and full hour walks include leash training. Weather permitting, credits applied for cancellations due to poor weather days.


$50 and up
(depending on size and amount of fur)
  • Includes:
  • Bath and Brushing
  • Ears Cleaned
  • Nails Trimmed and Filed
  • Anal Glands Expressed (if necessary).


$50 / day
  • or $300 / week

  • Includes:
  • Walks
  • Playtime
  • (Grooming extra)
    Contact for rates on in-home pet sitting.

Basic Obedience Training

 I offer many different options and solutions for obedience training and behavioral modification.  

Doggy Vacations

For Extended day trips/vacations – many options here. this can be a water adventure in a river or Creek, an extended day hike, or a daylong of pampering and spa treatment for your dog.